Free scholarship, founder relationships
Our next course starts tomorrow, last chance for tickets
Course starts tomorrow, one scholarship left
Our Revenue now - How to get customers before you get investors course starts tomorrow. Very exciting to see such an inspirational cohort come together 🙏.
The course runs Thursday 12-13.30PM for four weeks, there’s a little bit of theory and a LOT of live action 😅.
Learn, do, share
We’ve designed it as a very hands-on programme to help founders validate early stage customer, business and product fundamentals so that they can build more quickly. There’s a mix of pre-workshop content, in-session practice, feedback from Hattie and I, and then goal setting for the next week.
Week 1 is getting out there and having useful conversations with customers (shout out The Mom Test). The cohort is the magic, letting you see how other founders work, practice skills, before you get out there and use them.
We have one scholarship place (they’ve been popular 😅😅) left for a founder who considers themselves underserved, it can be accessed with the code SCHOLAR. There are also a limited number of 50% off undeserved founder places (£124.50) and full price tickets (£249) left.
Ticket sales close at 6PM today, hoping you can join us tomorrow, it’s going to be fun🚀
Founder relationships
My time running accelerator programmes has taught me that theory is invaluable but it’s not enough on its own. Relationships are what often powers progress. We all need someone to celebrate with, we all need someone to commiserate with. We all need someone to help us take that fresh perspective and help us see the opportunity that’s sitting right in front of us.
The nature of starting a business from scratch means, by definition, that the majority of it doesn’t work yet. The problems aren’t solved, the systems aren’t understood.
Developing the self awareness to know what helps you be the most effective founder you can be is invaluable. How can you help yourself today?
See you soon
Tim and Hattie